Thousands,even some are reporting that tens of thousands of Egyptian youths have again gathered in Tahir square.For anyone who is an ardent or cursory follower of current affairs especially last year into this year, would have realised this is reminiscent of the modern day revolution waged by Egyptians which led to the toppling of the erstwhile President Hosni Mubarak.Now Egyptians are back on the streets, protesters and bystanders alike being tear gassed as they pelt the Police with stones and anything to hand.
The real burning anger of the Egyptian Protesters was that the new President Morsi after brokering the ceasefire between Israel and Palestine to loud and rancorous acclaim is now seeking to extensively arrogate to himself more constitutional powers.He has declared that his executive decision on matters of state and the constitution are now "Temporarily" unchallengeable in the law courts.For a man who was sworn into office to loud acclaim and acceptance from an overwhelming majority of Egyptians, An overwhelming majority of those who had high hopes of a departure from the dark fog of autocracy to a new dawn of democracy this is a huge disappointment. This new law is worse because he is expected to be overwhelmingly supported by members of his Muslim brotherhood party who are the majority in parliament.
This brings to mind the peculiarity of the Nigerian situation.We are all in agreement,and collectively offer up a universal and blatant condemnation of the antics of the present crop of Political leaders we have.No doubt there needs to be a seismic change and a wholesale top to bottom,total cleansing of our aegean stable of corruption, and starting again on a clean slate,with ownership of an equal stake in the investment called Nigeria.However while we have several pretenders to the throne,social crusaders and political activists alike, how do we set up a criteria for the right set of people to lead,inspire us into the new beckoning horizon?
This pertinent question becomes imperative due to the political crisis going on in Egypt which is resonating in the present state of political flux being experienced in Nigeria .Lives were lost,blood was shed to drive out a dictator, they chose a leader who was expected to usher in a fresh air of democracy, but who has turned around to enact an autocratic constitutional edict now with the active support of his political party.This signifies that it will be more difficult if not near impossible to overturn the new fiat of powers President Morsi has arrogated to himself. Where do the Egyptians now stand in their fight and journey for a truly democratic Egypt.This has once again proven that achieving a revolution is only half the battle,the test of a successful revolution is the moral and political ambience and reputation which surrounds and precedes the political leadership who are handed the reins of control and guidance afterwards.
There are several Nigerian social commentators and political activists transcending and cutting across different age groups active in the every day life of Nigerians both real life ,on the media and even in online forums including Twitter,Facebook and Political blogs. Many are really and honestly earnest in their desire for change,a lot have displayed their angst and determination to force and drive change in our own journey to revolution. However is this enough to hand over one's collective destinies to them?
We cannot fault nor question the real motives of the erstwhile leaders in the mould of the Awolowos,Azikiwes,Tafawa Balewas due to the noble role they played in Nigeria gaining independence. They in concert with Pan africanists like the great Nkruma strived to forge closer ties with other African nations which has culminated in the modern African Union and Ecowas including how they charted the course of Nigeria before others took over,so regardless of the pessimism and critiques trailing them they have paid their dues.
Even the modern day old and older generation of politicians like the former Governor of Lagos state and ACN chieftain Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu,Chief Dele Momodu,Chief Fani Kayode and several notable names were at the forefront of the fight against tyranny,autocracy and dictatorship during the military regime on the platform of the then clandestine political group Nadeco.
We all know many eminent people lost their lives which include the female amazon Kudirat Abiola,Alfred Rewane and several other notable names.Again no matter the amount of perceived controversies trailing them now these people have all paid their dues.They are all battle scared and they all have stories to tell of personal sacrifices which affords them the noble and exclusive right of calling themselves an Alliance of fighters for Nigerian democracy.
Which brings me back to the same question, how does one relate what these people have gone through to the modern day political activists,especially those who have not been tested in the searing heat of political perseverance ?
Is an earnest desire for change ,righteous indignation enough to guarantee an individual's reputation will not be found wanting at the first sight of filthy lures of corruption?
Dr Reuben Abati is today a senior staff in the political establishment he was applauded for calling out and attacking in his column and political narratives and articles.
So effectively, we have a right to infer or suggest that he used the prevailing mood to garner enough relevance for himself and his brand as a social commentator and then cashed his chips as soon as an opportunity worth his while came his way,leaving his supporters and enthusiasts alike in a state of limbo,shock and disappointment.
I say this not to cast negative aspersions on any individual,after all none of these people have been proven to be anything but what they claim to be, but to sound a note of caution in our collective resolve to prematurely ascribe to an individual or groups of people who are untested in the annals of political warfare or decision making an over all right of political and cultural hegemonic leadership.
Not only could it land us in a more complex situation but we would have knowingly sleepwalked into a situation where we allowed a readily low sense of esteem and self worth becloud our judgement into ascribing great but underserving attributes to those undeserving due to a dearth and paucity of those who are head and shoulders eminently worthy of this honour and responsibility. History and most importantly the generation next will never forgive us.
Ps; these are my personal views but i appreciate any dissenting opinions thanks
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