Nigeria, even though it is no longer a geographical expression a quote coined from our own esteemed chief obafemi awolowo has increasingly become a metaphysical expression. This assertion in itself i am sure is highly contentious as a lot of people will still argue that nigeria is still a geographical expression, however call me an incurable optimist and i will gladly own up to same.
Nigeria,a country with great potentials, but rudderless and with no direction, a great power but incapable of waging a war, full of social upheaval, but no political will to change the status quo.
Nothing positive can come out of a negative situation, Nigeria of 1960 had been dragged kicking and screaming towards unification by a daring colonial minority, and a failure it remained through the 50 years of her independence as a nation, urged on by occasional burst of patriotic zeal and righteous indignation from a minority either with a genuine love for the country or for their vested interests. We are a country of botched attempts, a lot has been tried and nothing succeeds, honest political activists have come and gone, same as social crusaders over the years. A nation that constantly fails due to the lack of a mobilizing force.
Those who hold power in our country are of three broad types, the old gerontocrats, the incapable i.e the average Nigerians and the fraudulent politicians and technocrats.
We have not loved you enough Nigeria we have abandoned you, because in our utopian fantasies you have not being perfect.As the egalitarian ideals painted by old pan africanists ,we surrendered you to the clutches of those with nebulous concepts, cretins, jackals and hyenas, murderers, charlatans. We abandoned you because you were a raped nation, and allowed you to be raped and violated even more. You were in the hands of corrupt mercenaries and charlatans with vested interests, and we in our pride and disinterest wandered off leaving you to your fate.
We acknowledge our faults, and we do not deny or ignore our pangs of conscience. Even if you are what you are, we should never have abandoned you into the hands of your assailants and abusers and taken refuge in a more celestial world, descending as of yesterday, today and the days to come only when you are on your knees, groaning with pain brought by years of abuse and torment.
You need the next generation, visionary Nigerians with your genuine love at heart to tend you back to good health, make you a stronger and virile nation, taking you to your full potentials. Making you a new nation stronger, gifted with egalitarian ideals. This here is the herald of a new generation, more gifted, honest, stronger, and cultured than the one that was before and on the verge of governing you our great country, this generation that is ready to take their place both in society and in our great country. The charlatants, gerontocrats have brought our dear country to its knees; the least they can do is give us a chance in making the effort to bring her to her potential.
War is not the answer, but a true and sustained mobilization of the next generation is a good start, we are laying a great foundation for the seismic shift. We shall not only be the prophets, but the crusaders. We shall not only read books, but also go into the trenches, we want to take our unborn children’s destinies and ours in our hands, and we want to know how things are. We have the in- alienable right to know what exactly you have done to the Nigerians whom you have demanded their blood, water, money and soul in pounds without ever granting them an ounce in happiness or glory.
We are ready, we know what we must do, there is much for us to do, when the time comes, we shall roll up our trousers and shirts and the women shall hitch up their skirts and we see how we can turn this ugly and deformed lump of stone into a fine statue for all to be proud of.
Ps; these are my personal views but i appreciate any dissenting opinions thanks
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